How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship

Maintaining a healthy relationship in the light of breakups and separation which occurs frequently between boyfriends and girlfriends, and lovers; divorce, law suits and issues with regards to single parenting that occurs between Spouses, Couples or partners is fast becoming a growing concern among those who are into love relationships and boy/girl affairs already as well as for those who are getting set to enter the arena of love, dating and romance newly.All those who are into troubled marriages or are in crisis ridden relationships and affairs must endeavor to return back to learn and master the art of creating and maintaining a healthy relationship today rather than throw in the towel, quit or give up on their once beautiful, lovely, romantic and resourceful relationship or love affair.Creating a healthy love relationship and maintaining a healthy affair with the opposite sex is a matter of choice, how prepared both of you are and how committed you are both set to work as boyfriend and girlfriend, lovers, partners, Couples or Spouses at building a relationship that both of you will enjoy and be proud of. To get you started are a few thought provoking tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship and which you should find quite helpful:1. Be Yourself. Learn to accept who you are because you are unique and special in your own peculiar way. Being real no matter your estate or position in life is a contributing factor to maintaining a healthy relationship.2. Accept your Friend, Lover, Spouse or Partner the way he/she is. Contentment in a love relationship is another important factor for maintaining a healthy relationship.3. Communicate and share your personal goals, dreams, ambitions, hopes and aspirations, challenges and disappointments together. In addition, also get to discuss your individual expectations for getting involved in a love affair or relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, lover or Spouse.4. Committed Work. Both of you must invest in and work in an agreeable manner to build and maintain your relationship as a healthy, romantic, resourceful and enjoyable one.5. Forgive wrongs and overlook faults or shortcomings. Both of you must master your emotions and learn how to resolve conflicts. You must realize that there is no love relationship or affair that is immune to crisis, troubles, challenges, etc.6. Pray together. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (wealth, prowess, affluence, learning, etc). Remember to commit your lives, relationship, undertakings, etc in to God’s care.7. Make out quality time to play, have fun and enjoy the presence of your boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, partner or Spouse in your life and world. Bask in the euphoria of each others’ love, care, affection and attention.

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